Product Design Best Practices – a compendium of 50 industry-inspired best practices for quality products. Written for design students and practitioners.
Have a Good Appreciation for the Design Process.
Worksheet of Worksheets
From $45.00
Focus The Design Effort On The Entire Product Life Cycle.
From $45.00
Focus on Function During Product Development.
From $45.00
Consciously and Continuously Balance Product Cost, Development Time, and Quality.
From $45.00
Develop Mechanical, Electronic, Software and Manufacturing Systems Concurrently.
From $45.00
Use Design Tools to Support the Product and the Process.
From $45.00
Use Information Relationship Management Tools.
From $45.00
Develop and Leverage Societal and Technological Advances.
From $45.00
Treat Design as a Learning Process.
Learning Debrief Worksheet
From $45.00
Value Documented Design Information.
From $45.00
Manage Information Uncertainty and Risk.
VUCA+ Worksheet
From $45.00
Make Rational and Transparent Design Decisions.
Pro/Con Worksheet
Pairwise Comparison Worksheet
Decision Matrix Worksheet
From $45.00
Use Product-Centered Design Teams.
Team Contract
Team Meeting Minutes Worksheet
From $45.00
Support Each Individual’s Roles, Expertise, Creativity, and Style.
Personal Problem Solving Dimensions Worksheet
From $45.00
Ensure the teams have a work environment that fosters success.
Team Environment Worksheet
From $45.00
Maintain Good Team Health.
Team Health Worksheet
From $45.00
Ensure They Understand the Design Problem
"Product Proposal Worksheet
Project Proposal Worksheet"
From $45.00
Keep the Stakeholders at the Forefront of the Project.
Stakeholder Worksheet
From $45.00
Work to Understand the Design Requirements.
Requirements worksheet (Voice of the Customer)
From $45.00
Use Many Methods to Develop Design Requirements.
Requirements Worksheet
From $45.00
Dissect Products to Gain Product Understanding and Find Market Opportunities.
Product Decomposition Worksheet: Function
Product Decomposition Worksheet: Disassembly
Product Decomposition Worksheet: Components
From $45.00
Develop Engineering Specifications That Measure the Design Requirements.
Engineering Specifications Worksheet
From $45.00
Use Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to Develop Problem Understanding.
QFD worksheet
From $45.00
Develop Test-Driven Design Tasks with Clear Deliverables.
Prototype Proposal Worksheet
Task Worksheet
Task Short-Form Worksheet
From $45.00
Enable Teams to Make Realistic Task Estimates.
Estimation Worksheet
From $45.00
Manage Backlogs with a Planning Model.
Task ranking worksheet
From $45.00
Design the Task Plan for Each Project.
Gantt Chart worksheet
Kanban (Task) board worksheet
From $45.00
Make Design Reviews Part of Product Development.
Design Review worksheet
From $45.00
Systematically Generate Alternative Options
Morphology Worksheet
From $45.00
Develop and Explore Multiple Concepts in Parallel.
Morph Chart Integrated Solutions Worksheet
From $45.00
Design from Known Stable Interfaces.
Interfaces worksheet
From $45.00
Develop Function Models.
Function Model Worksheet
From $45.00
Refine Concepts into Simple, Viable Products.
Bill of Materials (BOM) Worksheet
From $45.00
Systematically Prune Alternatives
From $45.00
Assess Each Technology’s Readiness.
Design Technology Readiness Worksheet
From $45.00
Begin Risk Assessment During Conceptual Design.
Hazard Assessment Worksheet
From $45.00
Use the Factor of Safety and Margins as Design Variables.
Factor of Safety Worksheet
From $45.00
Develop Tolerances Consistent with Needed Function, Fit, and Manufacturing Methods.
Additive Tolerance stack-up worksheet
Statistical Tolerance Stack-Up Worksheet
From $45.00
Have a Clear Performance Evaluation and Optimization Plan
Evaluation Selection Worksheet
From $45.00
Optimize their products to Improve Performance.
From $45.00